Terraform Design Patterns: the Terrafile

Special thanks to my colleague Efstathios Xagoraris, who laid the original foundations for this concept, as well as the rest of the team at ITV for their valued input.


Taken straight from the documentation, Terraform

provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure — from physical and virtual servers to email and DNS providers. Once launched, Terraform safely and efficiently changes infrastructure as the configuration is evolved.

Here is an example which creates a VPC using a Terraform module (similar to a class in a programming language).

module "vpc" {
  source = "github.com/terraform-community-modules/tf_aws_vpc/?ref=v1.0.0"

  name            = "my-vpc"
  cidr            = ""
  private_subnets = ",,"
  public_subnets  = ",,"
  azs             = "us-west-2a,us-west-2b,us-west-2c"

Straightforward so far.

However, what immediately struck me (coming from a development background) was the way that modules were referenced - i.e. specifying the module source within the body of the module implementation.

Combining the module source with its use feels like a mix of concerns to me.

Additionally, each time you reference a module you must specify its source - even if you used that module elsewhere in your project.

I believe that abstracting the source location to another file (separate from the implementation) would make much more sense.

Module Versioning

Before we cover how we might achieve that, let’s quickly cover Terraform module versioning.

It is also possible (and good practice) to tack on a version at the end of the source parameter.

module "vpc" {
  source = "github.com/terraform-community-modules/tf_aws_vpc/?ref=v1.0.0"

Specifying the version (e.g. a git tag) is great as it means multiple teams can contribute to the same Terraform modules without breaking functionality for others.

However, upgrading even a single module in a project can be quite a laborious and manual process. Consider a setup with dozens or even hundreds of ASGs (autoscale groups), spread across numerous .tf files and various environments (QA, SIT, Stage, Prod etc.) with each using a Terraform module to implement said ASGs.

Any non-trivial project will require many other modules e.g. Security Groups, VPCs, subnets, Route53, EBS etc. - suddenly you have a lot of things to change!


The combination of a mix of concerns with the module source and implementation with a potentially laborious and error prone module upgrade process resulted in the creation of a Terrafile to address these issues.

A Terrafile is simple YAML config that gives you a single, convenient location that lists all your external module dependencies.

The idea is modelled on similar patterns in other languages - e.g. Ruby with its Gemfile (technically provided by the bundler gem).

Here’s what a Terrafile might look like.

 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-vpc"
 version: "v0.1.1"
 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-iam"
 version: "v0.1.0"
 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-sg"
 version: "v1.3.1"
 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-asg"
 version: "v2.0.0"

Below is a simplistic example in Ruby/Rake of how you might implement the Terrafile pattern. No gems are required (except Rake of course). Simply place the code in a Rakefile and execute using rake get_modules.

require 'yaml'
require 'fileutils'

# You may want to change this.
def modules_path

# You may want to change this.
def terrafile_path

def read_terrafile
  if File.exist? terrafile_path
    YAML.load_file terrafile_path
    fail('[*] Terrafile does not exist')

def create_modules_directory
  unless Dir.exist? modules_path
    puts "[*] Creating Terraform modules directory at '#{modules_path}'"
    FileUtils.makedirs modules_path

def delete_cached_terraform_modules
  puts "[*] Deleting cached Terraform modules at '#{modules_path}'"
  FileUtils.rm_rf modules_path

desc 'Fetch the Terraform modules listed in the Terrafile'
task :get_modules do
  terrafile = read_terrafile


  terrafile.each do |module_name, repository_details|
    source  = repository_details['source']
    version = repository_details['version']
    puts "[*] Checking out #{version} of #{source} ...".colorize(:green)

    Dir.mkdir(modules_path) unless Dir.exist?(modules_path)
    Dir.chdir(modules_path) do
      `git clone -b #{version} #{source} #{module_name} &> /dev/null`


Implementation is quick and easy. We’ve covered most of it already but let’s recap.

  1. Create your Terrafile.
  2. Implement a way to read your Terrafile and fetch the required modules (working Ruby example above).
  3. Modify all source variables in your Terraform project to point to your new cached modules directory (provided by the modules_path method above) rather than GitHub e.g.
module "vpc" {
  source = "../vendor/modules/tf_aws_vpc"

You can read more about Terraform module sources in the official documentation.

Other Considerations and Limitations

If you need to support multiple different versions of the same module (an incremental upgrade for instance), the Ruby/Rake implementation above takes the Terrafile key name into account. For example, the following will be deployed to vendor/modules/vpc-0.0.1 and vendor/modules/vpc-2.0.0 respectively.

 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-vpc"
 version: "v0.0.1"
 source:  "git@github.com:ITV/tf-aws-vpc"
 version: "v2.0.0"

Additionally, the deletion and subsequent fetching of the Terrafile modules is very simplistic. Each time rake get_modules is executed, all cached modules are removed and re-fetched.


It feels repetitive and prone to error to keep specifying modules and their version information, especially for larger teams who share modules. Terraform is rapidly evolving - to keep up you must frequently update your modules.

Probably my favourite aspect of using a Terrafile is being to see at a glance exactly which modules and which versions are being used by a project, just like a Gemfile or a Puppetfile. Outdated or buggy dependencies are often the root cause of runtime issues and this shortens the debugging and investigation considerably when things go wrong.

I’m a huge fan of Terraform and other Hashicorp products (especially Consul and Vagrant). I hope this design pattern helps others to use Terraform even more productively.

Posted January 14, 2016


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